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Friday, February 9, 2018

Applied Areas of Linguistics (With special Reference to Technological Applications)

Dhanji Prasad, Language technology
Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha
(The Research Paper presented in SCONLI-05, held at HCU, Hydrabad)

Abstract: Linguistics is the scientific study of language. There are many applied areas of linguistics. The application of linguistic knowledge in various areas may be categorized in three types- Practical Application (direct application in real life), Interdisciplinary Application (application with other sciences to get more knowledge about all the aspects of language) and Technological Application (application in technical areas). Technological Application is the recent area with a lot of opportunities. There are three major disciplines in which the theoretical knowledge of languages is being applied in technical areas. These are - Computational Linguistics, Language Technology and Language Engineering. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the way through which the knowledge of human languages is being established in computers (and computer like machines). With the help of this knowledge machines are being used in the various areas for our language related works such as- Machine Translation, Information Extraction/Information Retrieval, Text Summarization, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Optical Character Recognition and Computational Lexicology etc.
Linguistics, the scientific study of language, explains its structure as a system of units found on various levels. These units are following in ascending order –
Phoneme – Morpheme - Word – Phrase – Clause – Sentence - Discourse
In above, each larger unit is made by assembling more than one (or at least one) smaller units. Linguistics tries to find out the rules and conditions in which they are assembled and produced. In general linguistic behavior ‘phone’ is minimal unit of language. When phones are produced in a syntactic and meaningful form of language, they become communicative. In this way, they are used for sending and receiving ‘meaning’ (meaningful ideas).  Here one thing is important that neither the ‘phone’ nor the ‘meaning’ is ‘Language’.  Language is systemic form that connects ‘phones’ and ‘meaning’. It is abstract and found in human mind. Linguists try to understand and explain this system as a Grammar. For example- Chomsky’s Transformational Generative Grammar, Halliday’s Systemic Grammar, Lamb’s Stratificational Grammar, Fillmore’s Case Grammar etc. In these grammars all the linguists provide some units, levels and methods to explain the system/ structure of Language.

All this above is discussed for a theoretical touch to go forward to see the applications of linguistic knowledge. Every theoretical science has its applications, because application makes theories to be realized in the practical or actual world. Linguistics is one of them. It has many applied areas. R.N. Shrivastav in his book ‘Anupryukt Bhashavigyaan’ (1995), has categorized these in three types according to their Contexts. These are following-
i)             Context of Knowledge area (Gyaanchhetra ka Sandarbh)
ii)                       Context of particular Discipline (Vidha-vishesh ka Sandarbh)
iii)                     Context of Language Teaching (Bhaasha ShikshaN ka Sandarbh)
These three are further explained by him and various subfields (such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Translation and Lexicography etc.) are categorized among them.
But, I think that from today’s point of view, the applications of linguistics cannot be explained thoroughly (completely) by this categorization. So, here applications of linguistics are being categorized in three categories on the basis of their use, form and nature-
1.                       Practical Application
2.                       Interdisciplinary Application
3.                       Technological Application
1. Practical Application: - Here ‘Practical’ means direct application of linguistics to the real world. So, all the disciplines, which use the linguistic knowledge and produce directly something for our practical life, will be included in this type. These are Language Teaching, Translation, Lexicography, Language Planning and Speech Therapy etc. All these subfields use linguistic knowledge and provide things which may be seen and used directly in our life as-
Ø   Language Teaching uses linguistic knowledge and makes learners able to communicate in the Target Language in the Practical World.
Ø   In Translation, linguistic knowledge of both languages is used and it produces a text in the Target Language.
Ø   Lexicography produces ‘dictionaries’ for our uses.
2. Interdisciplinary Application: - There are many disciplines in which ‘linguistics’ and ‘other sciences’ are combined together to get more knowledge about various aspects of language with other areas. All these disciplines will be included in this type. The most popular of them are- Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics and Stylistics etc.
Ø  In Sociolinguistics, Sociology and Linguistics are combined. In it the interrelationship between ‘language’ and ‘society’ is studied and explained.
Ø  Psycholinguistics studies the relationship between ‘language’ and ‘human mind’. This includes all the psychological aspects of recognition and production of language.
Ø  In Neurolinguistics, the relationship between ‘neural schema of human brain’ and ‘language’ is studied.
Ø  Stylistics tries to find out the elements which change a linguistic expression to literature. Here ‘linguistics’ and ‘literature’ meet each other.
We can see that all above disciplines include more than one sciences. But linguistics is common among them. So, here the Interdisciplinary Application of linguistics is found.
3. Technological Application: - Technology is the field where any scientific theory gets realized. Its conventional meaning includes a broad sense in it. Generally, the word ‘Technology’ is used for all tools, methods and craft which are implied to make any artifact. So, this is a process/method by which the natural materials are changed to useful products with the help of scientific knowledge about them. This may be understood by following diagram-
Natural Material
Scientific Knowledge

Now a days, the meaning of ‘Technology’ has been centered to the methods and skills used for making electronic tools and machines. The electrical phenomenon is spread in all the areas of day to day life in present time. But there are sciences which provide theoretical knowledge for them.  This is the reason why all the sciences are looking for ‘Technological Applications’ of their theories in this specific sense. Linguistics too has many applications in it.
The Technological Application of linguistics is related to digital machines particularly computers. There are various types of ‘software and application systems’ which are being developed and used in computers. These are related with all the areas of our life. We are able to do our daily/official/professional works faster and in easier way than past with them. But, it is true that most of our works are related with language. So, linguistic knowledge in computer is necessary to make it more useful and communicative. This is why language related softwares are being developed rapidly all over the world. For this task, many disciplines have been emerged in past 5 decades. Three most important and popular of them are following-

a)                       Computational Linguistics
b)                       Language Technology
c)                       Language Engineering
One thing is to be considered here that these three disciplines are not quietly separate. These are co-related and overlap each other in many areas.
For the development of language related softwares, a process is implemented called “Natural Language Processing” (NLP). NLP is way to establish the knowledge of Natural Language in machines. This requires a systemic and explicit grammar which should be produced in algorithms. These grammars are called formal grammars.
Now we would be briefly introduced to these disciplines-
a)  Computational Linguistics: - As the name indicates this is an interdisciplinary course of ‘computer science’ and ‘linguistics’. Ralph Grishman in ‘Computational Linguistics’ (1994) says about it, “Computational Linguistics is the study of computer systems for understanding and generating Natural Language.”
Computers have a fast processing speed and vast memory. If a computer is well programmed, it can perform a task thousands of times faster than a man and send or receive any message anywhere in the world. Therefore, all the works which are done by/with the help of computers or computerized machines are hi-tech today. This is the reason why researchers are trying to introduce computers with the knowledge of Natural Language. Now, this work is going on for all the major languages of the world and Computational Linguistics is emerging as a major research area with a lot of opportunities.
b) Language Technology: - Language Technology is the second discipline with more broad areas for the technical applications of linguistic knowledge. In it, the development of language related software systems is done not only for computers but also for other platforms as mobile, A.I. tools and other language oriented machines. Computational Linguistics and Language Technology do the same job but Computational Linguistics is restricted only for computers while Language Technology includes other platforms too.  
Natural Language Processing’ is the basic idea for Language Technology too. In this discipline, softwares are developed to handle the tasks related to Natural Languages. Natural Languages are most complex and ambiguous in their nature and structure.  These languages are processed using formal grammars as LFG, HPSG, GPSG, TAG etc. Formal grammars produce rules of language in the form of logical expressions.
c) Language Engineering: - Language Engineering is the most recent concept among scholars. This is introduced because the challenges of Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language Production can’t be handled properly and completely by usual systems. About this Ralph Grishman writes,
“Constructing a fluent, robust natural language interface is a difficult and complex task. Perhaps our understanding of the language improves, we will be able to construct simpler natural language systems. For the present, however, much of the challenges of building such a system lies in integrating many different types of knowledge – syntactic knowledge, semantic knowledge, knowledge of domain of discourse – and using them effectively in language processing. In this respect, the building of natural language systems – like other large computer systems – is a major task of engineering.”
This emphasizes for designing, making, implementing and modifying language related tools and systems. To do this job, Language Engineering has emerged and growing rapidly.
 Now it is clear that the technological application of linguistics means the use of linguistic knowledge in electronic machines and tools as they can perform the language related tasks. There are many areas where it is taking place. Some most important fields among them can be titled as following-
i)             Machine Translation
ii)                       Optical Character Recognition
iii)                     Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
iv)                     Information Extraction and Information Retrieval
v)                       Text Summarization
vi)                     Computational Lexicography and Computational Lexicology
vii)                   Computer Assisted Language Learning
viii)                 Question Answer Systems
ix)                     Language Reading and Writing Adds
x)                       Voice Recognizer

i)  Machine Translation: - Machine Translation is most popular applied area as a subfield of Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. This is related to the development of software programs which can automatically translate text (or speech) from one natural language to another. The linguistic knowledge in these software programs is stored with syntactic rules and lexicon or other huge collections like Corpus. Many types of approaches have been used to develop machine translation systems. These are following-
(a)                    Rule based: - Translation systems based on this approach include Transfer-based machine translation, Interlingua machine translation and Dictionary based machine translation paradigms.
(b)                    Statistical: - This type of machine translation systems use statistical methods based on bilingual text corpora.
(c)                     Example-based :- It also uses bilingual corpus as its main knowledge base, at runtime. It is essentially a translation by analogy and can be viewed as an implementation of case-based reasoning approach of machine learning.
(d)                    Hybrid :- this is a combined approach of statistical and rule based methodologies.
Using these types of approaches many machine translation systems are being developed all over the world as EUROPARL (Based on Canadian Hansard corpus), Anusaaraka (Based on Panini Grammar) etc.
ii)                       Optical Character Recognition: - This is mechanical change of scanned images of printed, typed or written text into machine readable text. It is used to convert books and documents into electronic files.
iii)                     Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech:- The development of these types of application systems is applied area of Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis. These systems are used to convert spoken sentences to written text and vice-versa.
iv)                     Information Extraction and Information Retrieval (IE/IR) : - In this field, software systems are developed to automatically extract structured information from unstructured machine-readable documents.
v)                       Text Summarization: - This is a task of making summary of a text or document by a computer program. The summary contains all the significant and key points of the original document.
vi)                     Computational Lexicography and Computational Lexicology: - Computational Lexicography is related to the use of computers in making dictionaries/lexicons while Computational Lexicology is concerned with the use of computers in the study of dictionaries/ lexicons.
vii)                   Computer Assisted Language Learning: - This is related to providing courseware and additional material for language learning and teaching.
viii)                 Question Answer Systems: - The ability of a system to automatically answer a question asked in natural language is a major task in IR and NLP. Development of such systems is also an application field.
ix)                     Language Reading and Writing Adds:- Application software systems for this task are also being developed.
x)                       Voice Recognizer: - The development of Voice Recognizers is also being done for various tasks. Many types of Voice Recognizers have been developed in present.
In this way we see that linguistic knowledge of any language is very necessary to do various tasks in our life. We use this knowledge sometimes directly as well as we are using them to get more knowledge about all the aspects of language. So, linguistics has various types of applications.
Today, technology is the demand of our faster and smarter life. It has made its place in our daily works rapidly. So, all the sciences have provided the application of their theoretical knowledge in this field. Linguistics also has so many Technological Applications of various types which are significant at global level.

1. Chaitnya, Vineet, Sangal, Rajeev (2000) Natural Language Processing: A Paninian Perspective, New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited
2. Grishman, Ralph (1994) Computational Linguistics: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press
3. Malhotra, Dr. Vijay Kumar (2002) Computer ke Bhaashik Anupryog, New Delhi: Vanni Prakashan
4. Shrivastava, R.N and others (1995) Anupryukt Bhashavigyaan, New Delhi: Aalekh Publication
5. Bolshakov, Igor A., Gelbuk Alexader (2004) Computational Linguistics: Models, Resources, Applications, Instituto Politecnico Nacional


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