Chronology of key works
in the history of linguistics
(393-88 BC)
The first European work on language, in
this dialogue discussed the words natural or conventional nature.
Peri hermeneias
(ca. 335-323 BC, On Interpretation)
Aristotle's reflections on language
found in many places in his philosophical works, here is the question of the
parts of speech, sentences logical structure and linguistic reference.
Astadhyayi (ca.
350 BC The eight books)
One of the most
comprehensive grammars of Vedic Sanskrit, especially famous for his accurate
descriptions of the language's many inflections.
The magistro
(389, About the teacher)
In this work on
education discusses Augustine transfer of knowledge from teacher to pupil
from reflections on the linguistic sign.
Institutio grammatica (ca. 526-27, Textbook of grammar)
A scientific review of
the Latin phonology, shape, learn and syntax.
Martinus de Dacia
Modi significandi (1270'erne, Betegningsmåder)
The basic production
of the theory of modes significandi in connection with the discussion
of ordklasserne and grammatical constructions.
Dante Alighieri
The vulgari eloquentia (ca.
1303-04, The expression of public language)
Font, who defend the
use of public language rather than Latin; also contains one of the first
classifications of Europe's languages.
Antoine Arnauld & Claude Lancelot
Grammaire générale
a raisonnée (1660)
The so-called
Port-Royal grammar after the monastery Port-Royal in Paris is a central work
in the logical-grammatical tradition.
William Jones
Third Anniversary Discourse of the
Asiatick Society on the Sanskrit Language (1786)
In this work demonstrated for the first time the relationship between
Sanskrit, Greek and Latin.
Rasmus Rask
Study of the old Northern or Icelandic Language Origin (1814, ed.
Basic work in
comparative Indo-European linguistics; demonstrates the relationship between
Old Icelandic, Greek and Latin.
Franz Bopp
Über das Konjugationssystem there Sanskritsprache in Vergleichung my
jenem there griechischen, lateinischen, Germanischer persischen und Sprache
This work published before Rask, is
fundamental to the Indo-European linguistics as a scientific discipline.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues (1836)
A pioneering work in linguistic
typology, including
Hermann Paul
Principien having
Sprachgeschichte (1880)
The central work on grammar jung's thesis lydlovenes undtagelsesløshed.
Ferdinand de Saussure
Cours de
linguistique générale (1916)
Structuralism's main text, with its
concept of opposites, this posthumously published work, based on lecture
notes, laid the foundation for all later spogvidenskab.
Leonard Bloomfield
Language (1933)
One of the American
strukturalismes masterpieces.
Louis Hjelmslev
About Language
theory Founding (1943)
Program Document for
the Danish structuralism glossematikken.
Roman Jakobson
Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze (1944)
One of the major works in 1900-ts
Noam Chomsky
Structures (1957)
Program Document for
the generative grammar.
Joseph H. Greenberg
Some Universals of Grammar with Particular Reference to the Order of
Meaningful Elements (part of Universals of Language, 1963)
Groundwork for the
modern linguistic typology.
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Sunday, February 3, 2019
भाषाविज्ञान के क्षेत्र में प्रमुख कृतियाँ

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