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Monday, December 4, 2017

संज्ञानात्मक विकास के चरण : पियाजे (Jean Piaget)

पियाजे (Jean Piaget, 18961980) द्वारा संज्ञानात्मक विकास के बताए गए चरणों को इस प्रकार से देख सकते हैं-
आयु (अवधि)
इंद्रिय-यंत्र अवस्था
(Sensorimotor stage)
शैशवावस्था {Infancy (0–2 वर्ष)}
Intelligence is present; motor activity but no symbols;
knowledge is developing yet limited; knowledge is based on experiences/ interactions;
mobility allows child to learn new things;
some language skills are developed at the end of this stage.
The goal is to develop object permanence;
achieves basic understanding of causality, time, and space.
पूर्व-क्रियात्मक अवस्था
(Pre-operational stage)
आरंभिक बाल्यावस्था {Toddler and Early Childhood (2–7 वर्ष)}
Symbols or language skills are present;
memory and imagination are developed;
nonreversible and nonlogical thinking;
shows intuitive problem solving;
begins to see relationships;
grasps concept of conservation of numbers;
egocentric thinking predominates.
ठोस क्रियात्मक अवस्था
(Concrete operational stage)
आरंभिक युवावस्था
{Elementary and Early Adolescence (7–12 years)}
Logical and systematic form of intelligence;
manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects;
thinking is now characterized by reversibility and the ability to take the role of another;
grasps concepts of the conservation of mass, length, weight, and volume;
operational thinking predominates nonreversible and egocentric thinking
रूपात्मक क्रियात्मक अवस्था
(Formal operational stage)
युवावस्था और वयस्कावस्था
{Adolescence and Adulthood (12 years and on)}
Logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts;
Acquires flexibility in thinking as well as the capacities for abstract thinking and mental hypothesis testing;
can consider possible alternatives in complex reasoning and problem solving.[18]


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